- Penerapan teknologi informasi digunakan sebagai Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perpustakaan. Bidang pekerjaan yang dapat diintegrasikan dengan sistem informasi perpustakaan adalah pengadaan, inventarisasi, katalogisasi, sirkulasi bahan pustaka, pengelolaan anggota, statistik dan lain sebagainya. Fungsi ini sering diistilahkan sebagai bentuk Automasi Perpustakaan.
- Penerapan teknologi informasi sebagai sarana untuk menyimpan, mendapatkan dan menyebarluaskan informasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam format digital. Bentuk penerapan TI dalam perpustakaan ini sering dikenal dengan Perpustakaan Digital.
Implementation Mover Factors in Information Technology Library System
Factors that encourage the adoption of information technology in library automation systems, among others:
- Ease of getting IT products
- Increasingly affordable prices for IT products
- Ability of information technology
- Public service demands versatile "click"
- Streamline and simplify the work in the library
- Provide better service to library users
- Enhance the image of the library
- Development of national infrastructure, regional and global
The user needs
Librarians must be able to serve the needs of such users will demand faster access to information needed from within and outside the library. Thus it is expected that the librarians proficient in the use of information technology so that they can assist library users in finding the required information.
What should be known and done by a librarian in the automated library:
- understand the purpose and scope and elements of AP
- understand and appreciate the importance of conducting a thorough analysis of the system before the system design plan
- will understand and appreciate the benefits of systems analysis and design, implementation, evaluation and maintenance.
- will understand the process of evaluating software in line with the proposal before deciding on a system
- will understand and appreciate the importance of training for staff and their involvement in the whole process work